Our Inspiration :

Swami Vivekanand : Jan 12th, 1863 - Jul 4th, 1902 Mahatma Gandhi : Oct 2nd, 1869 - Jan 30, 1948 Dr. Vikram Sarabhai : Aug 12th, 1919 - Dec 31st, 1971 JRD Tata : Jul 29th, 1904 - Nov 29, 1993

Raj Kapoor : Dec 14th, 1924 - Jun 2nd, 1988 Osho : Dec 11th, 1931 - Jan 19th, 1990 Dr. APJ Kalam : Oct, 15th, 1931. Amitabh Bachhan : Oct 11, 1942.

Click on images above to visit respective websites in new window. 

Vision :  

To create a community of Learning, Living, Leading and Loving people.

Mission :


Objectives :

To promote human values and commitment to society, in educational institutions.

To enlist the support of all segments of society, including Government, in promoting human values in educational institutions; and motivate them to bring in the value dimension in their workplace.

To take up and get involved in activities aiming for social reforms.

To collaborate in any manner with individuals, organisations or movements with similar objectives mentioned above.

Core Value :  To work for self satisfaction, nothing else.

Products & Training Programs :



We produce videos for internet and cable television.

We design and publish pocket books, cards, calendars, posters in various languages with an aim to inspire people.

We produce audio books and video discs as support learning material for creating a community of learning, living, leading and loving people.

We design, organise and conduct tailor made training programs for business, industrial and social organisation on various subjects & aspects with a focus on personal, social & professional life.

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